Harper's Yard Pump
NGR 78587 47831
Site Number: C7
By Bruce Osborne and Cora Weaver (C) 2012
Area 2. Malvern Link Springs and Wells
Malvern Hills, England
Location: in the old horse-drawn vehicle entrance to Harper's Bazaar, Worcester Road , Malvern Link.
Description: an old iron pump.
Located by the arch that once led to the former back yard of Harper's Bazaar army surplus store in Malvern Link, this pump was undoubtedly used to water the horses in former times as they sheltered in the covered yard entrance after a hard day's toil.
Alongside the pump is an interesting piece of World War II naval artillery which stood outside The Gun Tavern in Newtown Road, Worcester in the 1970s. A plaque on the gun records it being moved to an unnamed site in 1982. "The placing of this gun on its present site was carried out by Paynes Garage of Upton on the 29 August 1981". This was when it was removed to the Sea Scouts HQ before finding its way to Harpers Yard. Apparently, when it came to Malvern Link, the police needed reassurance that the new owner had secure storage for the gun, even suggesting that a gun safe may be required. Here the gun guarded the pump as well as providing an interesting amusement for customers.
The site was decorated for the first time in 2014 by the Friends of Malvern Springs and Wells as part of the May Day Well Decorating celebrations. The theme was "Peace". The pump can be seen flowing in the picture left.
In 2020 the site became Aladdin's Cave, a second-hand dealers retail store. Gerald Harper continued operating Harpers Bazaar next door pending possibly retirement. In June 2020 the gun disappeared having been sold by Gerald. We understand that it is now in a museum in Stratford. As a result there is little to show of the original water feature that fascinated many over the years.
Additional Information:
There was another pump, just across the road in the garden of the black and white cottage. Recently it appears to have gone or is hidden.
The map alongside is a small section of our more comprehensive map of the area. For the complete map together with a description and history of this site see "Celebrated Springs of the Malvern Hills" (2012).
Click on Website below or the top banner to go to the DISCOVERY TRAIL INDEX of springs and wells.

Celebrated Springs of
A definitive work that is the culmination of 20 years researching the springs and wells of the Malvern Hills, published by Phillimore. This is the ideal explorers guide enabling the reader to discover the location and often the astounding and long forgotten history of over 130 celebrated springs and wells sites around the Malvern Hills. The book is hard back with dust cover, large quarto size with lavish illustrations and extended text. Celebrated Springs contains about 200 illustrations and well researched text over a similar number of pages, together with seven area maps to guide the explorer to the locations around the Malvern Hills. It also includes details on the long history of bottling water in the Malvern Hills.
Written by Bruce Osborne and Cora Weaver, this book is available on-line for £15.00 (delivered UK) - click Malvern Bookshop on the green panel top left. Alternatively send a cheque payable to Cora Weaver with your name and address to 4 Hall Green, Malvern, Worcs. WR14 3QX.
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